Details to watch out for when installing the best hidden gps tracker for car

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best hidden gps tracker for car

best hidden gps tracker for car can monitor the specific information of cars in real time, and is increasingly applied to the leasing and auto loan industries as a sharp tool for risk control of auto loan enterprises. In order to keep the car assets safe, the best hidden gps tracker for car cannot be installed carelessly.

best hidden gps tracker for car installation location selection is very important, we know that the locator is an electronic product, the sensitivity of electronic products, life will be affected by temperature, humidity, signal source and other environmental factors is known to all, so we should pay attention to waterproof, shockproof, anti-interference when choosing the installation location. And do the corresponding protection.

1. Install the GPS in strict accordance with the installation steps in the instructions provided by the manufacturer, and do not install it at will.

2. The wired best hidden gps tracker for car needs to be installed without power supply and put in the SIM card. After confirming that the device is correctly connected to the SIM card, power on the host.

3. The antenna receiving side of the best hidden gps tracker for car should face upward, and there should be no metal shielding above it. It should be placed flat and the horizontal inclination should not be greater than 15 degrees.

4. After the installation of best hidden gps tracker for car is completed, the test device is running normally. The car can be driven to an open place and powered on for more than one hour to test whether the positioning information is accurate.

best hidden gps tracker for car
